Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Ostrichs and Moths

Have been busy at work adding more moths to my collection and a new Butterfly for us, a
Wall Brown. I was working at Lostwithiel on Sunday and realised I was next to an Ostrich farm, the big male got quite aggressive, protecting his harem!


  1. Impressive collection there!

  2. Great collection of Moths John. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great pictures there John

  4. Quite a set; and well done on the Wall Brown.

  5. ...I'm not exactly sure how to tell a moth from a butterfly. I think it has something to do with their antenna and whether they fan their wings when the rest, but I'm not sure. Do you know?

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments. I love your ostrich shots. I have never seen one with his feathers fluffed out like that. Amazing. Definitely not a bird to cross!

  7. You have got some neat pics of months.Infact some of them really colourful.

  8. The Wall Brown is beautiful and it let you handle it. Glad I found your site and thanks for following mine.

  9. Well shot John..long range scoping or macro comes alike. Top stuff.

  10. I can see you don't bury your head in the sand.

  11. The moth with a little bit of yellow on it was my favorite! Wish I could identify these! Nice photos!!

  12. Thanks everyone. John and Sue

    Kelly, As a general rule Moths rest with their wings flat over their back showing their colours, whereas Butterflies usually hold their wings closed and upright, only opening and showing their colours on take-off and landing. Also Moths tend to have frilly antennae.I'm no expert though and of course there are always exceptions to this.

    Shellmo, If you click on a picture to enlarge, and hover the cursor over it , the name will come up.

  13. Guess I missed these yesterday! Great series.
