Sunday, 27 August 2017


 Several people have asked why we haven't posted anything for a couple of months 
and so for them and all of our followers, here is an explanation.

We lost our super-fit, marathon running son Lee to cancer on the 21st June.
He was diagnosed in August last year and his 2nd stem-cell transplant should 
have been taking place now. It was hoped it would buy him 8 to 10 years.
He never once said why me and when we got angry he'd say it was just bad luck.
He was a thoroughly nice bloke who didn't deserve it. He leaves 2 small daughters.
This picture was taken last June and was his last race.

We are very grateful that the end, when it came was very swift though unexpected.
The picture below was taken 3 weeks before he died.
His funeral was standing room only and donations raised over £1700 
for Myeloma UK which I guess says something about Lee the man.

We are now starting to try to get back to some normality and 
when our enthusiasm returns we will start 
going out doing our thing and blogging again.
Many Thanks, John & Sue.