Monday, 28 June 2010

Up close and personal.

We saw this diagram in a book and realised we had most of the pictures to go with it.

Notice the shed skin in the first Spider photo.
Anyone that has read our blog before will know that I have a real fear of Spiders.
It took all my nerve to edit these. Can't guarantee the names are correct, but there is only
so much looking at books and Spider websites a person can take. Sue

Love must be in the air!!!

I think this one has just emerged and still has some skin attached to the tail and a slightly crumpled wing.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Moths and Insects.

John had a Mothing night in the week, nothing very exciting (or colourful), but the grandchildren enjoyed it. Not all of these Moths are from the trap, some are from the past few weeks and some are day-flyers. It's taken hours to try to name them and I suspect some will be incorrect.

This Bumble Bee did manage to escape, not so, this poor Grasshopper.

Sunday, 13 June 2010


As the birds have all disappeared, here are some of John's macro shots, taken over the last week or so, when he was busy!! at work.
Had hoped for a mothing night but the trap's not working at the moment.
Sorry if any are named incorrectly, please let us know.

Can anyone name this Black Beetle. We can find nothing in the books with yellow feet.