Sunday, 13 June 2010


As the birds have all disappeared, here are some of John's macro shots, taken over the last week or so, when he was busy!! at work.
Had hoped for a mothing night but the trap's not working at the moment.
Sorry if any are named incorrectly, please let us know.

Can anyone name this Black Beetle. We can find nothing in the books with yellow feet.


  1. Wow, they are beautiful in macro, thanks John.

  2. Hi.
    These are splendid macro!!! All more beautiful than the others! Gorgeous and well done!

  3. Great technique shown here, the images where you have kept the lens paralell to the subject are top quality. Taken on your visit to England I guess!!!!!

  4. Hey you did include a Moth, that's not a Caddisfly that's Nemophora degeerella! :)

  5. Hi Bennyboy,thanks Mate.
    I didn't recognise the Moth,because it falls into the Micro types.
    You've made my day,thanks.

  6. Thanks Bob,Chris.
    Yes Bobbster,one of my many trips to England,more planned next week.
    Thank you for your comments.

  7. Superb, puts mine to shame. Hope to see you out sometime.

  8. Incredible macro shots. Stand up and take a bow!! I was particularly interested in the ladybug larva. I've seen them before and had no clue. I have not concentrated my studies on insects much, and can see I have a lot to learn! And I can start right here on your blog.

  9. Super shots! Can I ask what lens you used please? I'm pretty sure the hoverfly is Dasysyrphus albostriatus.

  10. Stunning shots! Each one so clear and sharp - loaded with detail. Great work.

  11. Great macro shots again John. Where do you find all these creepies?

  12. I think it's a Bloody-nosed Beetle:


  13. AMAZING! I love seeing all these creatures in such fine detail. Great shots, as always.

  14. Thanks everyone, nice to hear from our overseas followers.

    Andy, Think you're right about the Hoverfly.Believe it or not I just use a compact digital set to super-fine macro.

    Trevor,They are everywhere,and some so small you can hardly see them ,start in the garden.

    Hayley, think you're right about the Beetle. Thanks for the link, have added it to our favourites. Mum x

    Sam and Lisa, and all the local birders, hope to catch up with you soon. Sue and John

  15. Those first 4 photos are beyond beautiful! You did a fantastic job of capturing the colors, the detail, the surprizing beauty, and the outright bizarreness of the insect world.

  16. Fabulous set of Macro's John you always come up with the goodies, on the last one I also think the Bloody Nosed Beetle is closest in one of my books.
    Hope top bump imto you soon Monts.

  17. Wonderful macro series! I really like the second shot of the snipe fly, although they are all excellent.

  18. Excellent photos John, and I especially like the Snipe and Scorpion flies. I reckon the cool Snipe is wearing Ray Ban Aviators..

  19. Always love the eyes of insects and you have some great images. The intricacy is always astounding to me and how they each have their own way in nature that works according to plan~

  20. Stunning macro shots. Superb collection.
